• Welcome to the TARUS training site for employees and customers.

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Available courses

Welcome to the TARUS Safety Awareness for New Employees!

This "Safety Awarness for New Employees" course is designed to train new employees in meeting the regulatory requirements for keeping TARUS emplloyees safe and to prevent incidents in the workplace.

Welcome to the TARUS Forklift Operator Training for Employees!

This "Forklift Operator Training" course is designed to train employees in meeting the regulatory requirements for keeping all TARUS employees safe and to prevent incidents in the workplace while operating a Power Industrial Truck(Hi-Lo).

Welcome to the TARUS Crane Safety Training for Employees!

This "Crane Safety Training" course is designed to train employees in meeting the regulatory requirements for keeping all TARUS employees safe and to prevent incidents in the workplace while operating a Overhead and Jib Crane.

Welcome to the TARUS Fall Protection Training for Employees!

Each year, more than 20% of disabling injuries occur when an employee sustains a fall while working above ground – thousands more are fatalities. In fact, falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry. This Fall Protection Training Video is an important part of your Company’s safety training program. This training will help your facility comply with OSHA regulations and protect employees from sustaining on-the-job injuries.

Also, "Fall Protection Training" will help employees stay safe while working at heights. As you may know, one of the largest occurrences of OSHA citations revolves around a lack of fall protection training.

This safety training course will help you maintain compliance and hopefully reduce accidents and injuries.

Welcome to the TARUS Driving Safety Training for Employees!

Did you know that driving related accidents are the leading cause of death while working? Over 40,000 people will die this year on America’s roadways. Will you be part of that statistic?

This "Driving Safety Training" course gives drivers from all walks of life the inside scoop on driving safety. Whether they simply drive to and from work, or they drive as part of their jobs, this course is necessary to ensure safety.